Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sinking Ship

Turbulent waters. Waves splashing across the side of the boat... I grab for my backpack quickly, instinctively... looking for the black pouch my father gave me. I searched through the tiny slits inside, removing empty medicine wrappers in the process. My fingers searching frantically. My nausea stepping up a notch. I could feel my saliva form in the sides of my mouth... I hate this feeling of having to puke. Then my forefinger finally found it, I tore it open. My savior, for at least after an hour when it finally kicks in... Thank you, Bonamine... I know, I know... I should have taken it before going to this trip... I thought I could endure the pain, the motion sickness...but......

It is December once again, and aside from the Yuletide Season, it is also the time when employees of this company pass their resignation letters. As if on cue, waves and batches of design officers come and go. The old ones, well, searching for greener pastures, I guess. Or just sick and tired of their bosses, their jobs, the system. Hoping to find a better environment where they can thrive as architects. I could not blame them though, in fact, no one can blame them. The new ones, on the other hand, are meek lambs ushered by a greasy haired shepherd- with the same annoying script. Every. Single. Time.

It is like the story of the elephant in the room...where nobody seems to notice that there is this gigantic, smelly creature in the corner of the room. It's either nobody takes notice or cares, or worse, nobody has the guts to say anything. That there IS indeed something wrong with the system. That the turnover of employees is faster than the turnover rate in any McDonalds or Mang Inasal. Why can't they figure it out? Why don't they do anything about it?

It is like being in a sinking ship...Those who have decided early on to abandon ship think that maybe they are safe now (or are they just boarding another Titanic?) For others, eagerly jumping on safety boats, all packed and ready to go. For those of US who decided to stay FOR NOW...what should we do then? Should we squeeze ourselves between those safe in their rafts? Or should we just grab a life jacket and pray that the waters will soon calm down?

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