Sunday, July 28, 2013

Freestyle 08.15.12

Amidst the chaos around me...
Busy people...
People soaked in their computers...
Not minding each other's business........
The world's in topsy turvy...
Ringing phones... hurried footsteps...
Yet... all I can think about is what I left at home..........
Can't wait to hold you in my hands....
and feel your every curve.
It's too soon, I know.
We've just met last night... yet you're all I ever think about.
Obsessed? I don't reckon so.
I can't wait to travel the world with you...
To see its magnificence through your eyes.
You are one of those dreams that came true.
Tangible albeit surreal.
I never doubted it, yet I am surprised that it's this soon....
Maybe it's just meant to be.


  1. Woah! My imagination is running wild.

    Sounds like a lover.

    But maybe a camera? :D

  2. Ha! I wish I was referring to a lover, but yeah, it's my hard-earned camera (which I'm still paying for, btw.) :)
