Friday, October 10, 2014

10 Things I Miss About Manila

While waiting for my rendering to finish (been teaching myself the rudiments of Sketchup and it's driving me insane!) I thought I'd blog about the things I miss most about Manila. 

*insert song by Hotdog here*

Monday, October 6, 2014

A First-timer's Guide: How to Cook Tiyula Itum (Black Stew)

I have always wanted to learn how to prepare my favorite dishes, and I especially love Muslim Cuisine. Last Saturday was Eid'l al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice,) my brother-in-law's brother brought some (raw) beef that came from a local Turkish school whose tradition was to put down a number of calves for the occasion and give the meat away.

An idea popped into my head!

I researched for the recipe, and found one on YouTube. The thing is, the guy in the video spoke fluent Tausug, though I understood most of what he said, there were some words I just could not get.

Nevertheless, my first attempt at cooking one of my favorite dishes, TIYULA ITUM, was a success!
(at least my family said so. =) )

Sunday, October 5, 2014

If Not Now..... When?


Making decisions can be hard, especially when your future is at stake. I have now hit a plateau in my career life, though I would like to think otherwise.

Being unemployed for almost two months now, I am now experiencing some of the pros and cons of going free-lance. Yet I know that these are just the tips of the iceberg... there will be many more challenges along the way, and I am confident that I can surpass them all, with God's grace.