Monday, July 14, 2014

The Best Decision I've Made In My Life (So far)

"Incompetent. Unproductive. Inefficient."

Words can be harsh, gut-wrenching, ego-demeaning- especially when those words come from the person with the highest position in the company you've been working for two years and six months. Those two years and six months of working very long hours a day than required (9.5 hours a day is already long, btw.) I am not a perfect employee, I know that. I may have lapses here and there, I may have spent some company time doing personal stuff (like right now, with this blog)...but who hasn't? But more importantly, I try my best to make up for my inadequacies. I work my ass off to come up with a decent output, to try to meet their move heaven and earth when the job calls for it.