Friday, May 16, 2014

Confessions of a Twenty-nine Year Old


Patience is such a bitter pill to swallow. Other than that, you have to keep taking it because the effect of it easily runs out. Sustenance. It is such a painful price to pay for your dreams to come true, or for the Universe to finally conspire that someday, one day, all your aspirations will eventually be a reality.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wake Up, Arei


I woke up to the sound of my android phone's alarm clock. It's not the usual noisy, nerve-wrenching alarm you hear in the old times. Instead, it sounds more like a baby's lullaby. It just won't freaking shut up unless you press the Snooze or Dismiss button.

I hope I can still get an alarm clock in my waking hours. Sometimes, when one can get too engrossed with the ramblings of everyday life, you tend to lose track of the time. You get distracted by the simplest things. Admittedly, I am easily distracted nowadays. I guess it only goes to show that my heart is truly somewhere else. Somewhere which I need to find for myself. It's as if my drive has waned. My thirst is not quenched anymore. I need a new environment. I need to do something else. I need to be someplace else.