Asking/ borrowing money has always been a touchy issue for me. With exceptions of course if you're my parents or sisters, or a really close friend like
Sewang, then it's okay for us to borrow from each other just like that. Our friendship has been tried and tested for a long time and you'll even be glad to be able to help out in a small way. More importantly, borrowing money has always been the last resort. If the coins in your piggy bank are not enough, then that's the time you ask someone (close to you) to help you out.
What creeps me out, though, is when someone asks money from you ON Facebook (!!!)....and to think that we were not even that close in the first place? We don't even hang out ever! (Camping in the mountains 5 years ago does not count!) I am not stingy. I'd like to help out whenever I can. But when you only chat with me JUST to ask for money is not cool. Definitely N-O-T C-O-O-L!
What's worse is.... you have been soliciting from me (even from my Mom!!!) for 3 or 4 different times... and for those times, I never replied to a single one. Call me selfish or anything... but being a freelance licensed architect in the Philippine Economy is bad enough. Heck, it was even more depressing when I was slaving off in Manila (rent, food, groceries. fare) I had to find creative ways and means to expand my meager salary until the next payday (if worse comes to worst, send an SOS text to Mommie or Daddie =P)
I wonder if he chats everyone on his FB just to ask for money? Is this the thing now? Are there others like this "honorable" guy? I used to give him due respect because of his causes/ accomplishments... but now? I just don't know....
So if by some twist of fate you get to read this post..... my advice for you is: